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Consular Services

Applying for a visa


The High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus informs that visas will not be granted to applicants with itineraries including illegal entries from ports and airports situated to the part of the Republic of Cyprus which is occupied by the Turkish troops since 1974.

It is noted that the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is the only recognized Government on the island -member of the EU since 1.5.2004, as well as member of the UN and other International organizations. As a result of the Turkish military occupation, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is not in a position to exercise effective control over the occupied areas of the Republic. The so-called "TRNC" has been condemned and declared illegal and invalid by the whole International Community through Security Council Resolutions 541/83 and 550/84. With the sole exception of Turkey, no state in the world or International Organization recognizes this secessionist entity.

Presently, it is possible for foreign tourists who visit the government-controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus, to cross to the occupied areas through the 7 crossing points, at their own risk as the area is not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus. List of ownership status of hotels and other accommodation facilities in the occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus, it can be found here.

Staying in Greek Cypriot owned hotels in the occupied areas, which are being illegally exploited, would put you at great risk of possible legal action on the part of the owners.

Travelers entering the Republic of Cyprus via the illegal / closed airports and ports (i.e. all the airports and ports in the occupied areas), are in breach of the international law and the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus. Therefore, you are urged to travel via the recognized ports of entry, so as to avoid any possible problems (provided that a visa has been granted to you). The legal ports of entry into the Republic of Cyprus are the airports of Larnaca and Paphos and the ports of Larnaca, Limassol, Latsi and Paphos, which are situated in the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. Any entry into the territory of the Republic of Cyprus via any other port or airport in the area of Cyprus in which the Government of the Republic does not exercise effective control (Turkish occupied area) is illegal”.

Τhe Government of the Republic of Cyprus refuses admission to: 

1. Holders of “passports” issued illegally by the secessionist entity, the so-called “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" (TRNC)· 


· The Government of the Republic of Cyprus is the 
only recognised Government on the island - member of the EU since 1.5.2004, as well as member of the UN and other International Organisations. As a result of the Turkish military presence and occupation, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is not in a position to exercise control over the occupied areas of the Republic. The so-called "TRNC" has been condemned and declared as both illegal and invalid by the whole of the International Community through Security Council Resolutions 541/83 and 550/84. With the sole exception of Turkey, no state in the world or International Organisation recognises the secessionist entity. 
· Presently, it is possible for foreign tourists who visit the government-controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus, to cross to the occupied areas. 
· Staying in Greek Cypriot owned hotels in the occupied areas, which are being illegally exploited, would put you at great risk of possible legal action on the part of the owners. 
· Travellers entering the Republic of Cyprus via the illegal / closed airports and ports (i.e. all the airports and ports in the occupied areas), 
may still face the consequences of the Laws of the Republic. Therefore, you are urged to travel via the recognised ports of entry, so as to avoid any possible problems (provided that a visa has been granted to you). The legal ports of entry into the Republic of Cyprus are the airports of Larnaca and Paphos and the ports of Larnaca, Limassol, Latsi and Paphos, which are situated in the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. Any entry into the territory of the Republic of Cyprus via any other port or airport in the area of Cyprus in which the Government of the Republic does not exercise effective control (Turkish occupied area) is illegal”.

*Please note that incomplete visa applications will be return to the applicant.

2. For those intending to be employed in Cyprus, they will have to apply for the issuance of a work permit in Cyprus. No visa is required in order to travel to Cyprus when a work permit exists.
-Applicants are requested to bring the appropriate documents below. The Consular Section will not photo copy any papers. This is the applicant’s sole responsibility.

-If you do not receive your visa on time, or if your visa is refused, the High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus cannot be held responsible in any way for any losses encountered.

All documents must be in English or Greek or Turkish. Documents in other languages must be translated


•Single entry visas:

This visa entitles aliens who seek to enter the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, for reasons other than immigration, to enter once. The duration of each visit may not, however, exceed three months in any half year, starting from the date of first entry.

•Multiple entry visas:

As a general rule, this visa is issued for one or several entries. In the case of aliens who need to travel frequently to Cyprus, e.g., business, this type of visas is issued for several visits, provided that the total length of these visits does not exceed three months in any half year. This multiple-entry visa may be valid for one year and, in exceptional cases, for more than a year, but for no more than five years for certain categories of persons.

If visiting friend or family (additional visa requirements):
  1. Assumption of responsibility form fully completed, signed by the host and certified by the local municipal authorities or a certifying officer in the Republic of Cyprus. (Assumption of responsibility form)
  2. Certified copy of host's passport or ID.
  3. Letter of invitation with full addresses and contact details of host.
  4. If host is supporting applicant's trip financially, proof of income of host for past three months or bank certificate is necessary.
  5. Bank guarantee letter, valid for one month. The bank guarantee letter should be stamped also by the Migration Department in Nicosia (if requested).

Important information:

1) Additional documents and information may be requested if considered necessary.
2) Production of the required documents does not automatically guarantee the right to issuance of a visa.
3) Visa application submissions only from 9:00 to 10:00, from Monday to Thursday without an appointment except on Public Holidays.
4) The minimum processing time of a visa application is 15 - 20 working days from date of application (if its the high season before Easter Holidays, end of May June, July, August, beginning of September and Christmas Holidays). For the rest of the year 10 working days from date of application. So applicants are advised to leave enough time - between the date of submission of the application and travel date - for the Mission to process their visa application; no guarantees can be given on the visa application’s return date as delays may occur.
5) Visa collections are from 10:00 to 12:30, Monday to Thursday. No appointment needed.
6) Cyprus is not a part of the Schengen zone. Cyprus National Visas only entitle the holder to enter the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia.


International Child Abduction:


The Republic of South Africa has passed the Children’s Act No. 38 of 2005 to give effect to the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction. For the Children’s Act No. 38 of 2005 as published in the Government Gazette follow the link (click here).



Consular Fees

The visa fees are only for the evaluation and the processing of a visa application. In case of a rejection of the application, the visa fees are not refundable.

Payments can be made only in cash and only in rand (ZAR) at the Consular Section of the High Commission (No EFT, no bank deposit and no cheques).

Gratis Visas are issued for:
o EU/EEA/CH and Cypriot citizens (copy of EU/EEA/CH member-state passport)

o Spouse of EU/EEA/CH citizen (copy of valid marriage certificate and spouse’s EU/EEA/CH passport)

o Children of EU/EEA/CH citizen (copy of unabridged birth certificate and Parents EU/EEA/CH passport)

o The holders of Russian Federation passports are currently exempt from visa fees. This means that visas are issued to Russian citizens free of charge. 

Please note, the United Kingdom is no longer a EU member-state.

For inquiries including the status of your visa application please email us at: or you can call our offices from Monday until Friday from 13:00 until 15:00 except on public holidays.
The Consular Section will be close for Visa submissions for the last three days of the month and on Public Holidays.

*The visa application, the fees and the requested supporting documents, can be submitted with a courier company or through any other authorised person. For the collection of the passport, authorization letter should be presented by the person who is collecting. A copy of the authorization letter can be found here.

Please note that interviews can be requested by the applicant either with in person attendance at the Cyprus High Commission or through telephone interview.

Additional supportive documents may be requested by the Consular officer to verify the validity of the application.

The granting of a visa does not automatically entitle the holder to enter the Republic of Cyprus.

In case of a rejection of the application the consular fees are non-refundable.

We urge the public to submit visa applications on time and check the particulars of the visa for their validity.

Download File Authorization letter for collection.pdf (File Size: 42,43Kb)
Download File
Assumption of Responsibility for Hosting 2019.docx (File Size: 16,93Kb)
31a. NEW VISA APPLICATION FORM (002).pdf (File Size: 174,02Kb)

  • Applying for a visa

  • Applying for a visa

  • Applying for a visa

  • Applying for a visa

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    Last Modified at: 12/07/2024 05:07:16 PM

    © 2012 - 2024 Republic of Cyprus,
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
    High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in Pretoria