Republic of Cyprus
Permanent Representation of the Republic of Cyprus to the European Union

General Information

Official Name of State: Greek: Kipriaki Dimokratia, Turkish: Kibris Cumhuriyeti, English: Republic of Cyprus

Government: Republic with a presidential system.

Official Languages: Greek, Turkish

President of the Republic of Cyprus: Nicos Anastasiades
For the composition of the Government click here.

Capital: Lefkosia (Nicosia)

Cyprus’ Flag

The Emblem of the Republic

Location: Island in the eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus lies at a latitude of 34˚33˚ - 35˚34˚ North and longitude 32˚16˚ - 34˚37˚ East

Area: 9,251 sq km

Climate: Mediterranean climate; hot, dry summers and mild winters
The weather in Cyprus today

Population: 918,100 (data for 2021)
78,9 % (724,800) Cypriots
21,1% (193,300) Others

Natural resources: Copper, pyrites, asbestos, gypsum, timber, salt, marble, clay earth pigment.

Economy: Services oriented market economy (80.5% of GDP).

Sectors: Services (tourism, financial services, real estate, telecommunications), Industry (cement and gypsum production, textiles, light chemicals, metal products, wood, paper, stone and clay products), Agriculture and Fisheries (citrus, vegetables, barley, grapes, olives).

Per Capita GDP: €27211.74 (2021)

Unemployment rate: 5,9% (2022)

Inflation rate HICP: 7,1% (2022)

Exports: €209,3 MM (2022)

Imports: €1.152,8 MM (2022)

Source: CYSTAT

Brief Historical Survey

10th milleniumAkrotiri-Aetokremmos
9th millenium - 5200 B.C.Aceramic Neolithic
5000 - 3900 B.C.Ceramic Neolithic
3900 - 2500 B.C.Chalcolithic
2500 - 1900 B.C.Early Bronze Age
1900 - 1600 B.C.Middle Bronze Age
1600 - 1050 B.C.Late Bronze Age
1050 - 750 B.C.Geometric
750 - 480 B.C.Archaic
480 - 310 B.C.Classical
310 B.C - 30 B.CHellenistic
30 B.C. - 330 A.D.Roman
330 - mid 7th century A.D.Early Christian
mid 7th century - 965 A.D.Byzantine - Arab raids
965 - 1191 A.D.Byzantine
1191 - 1489 A.D.Frankish
1489 - 1571 A.D.Venetian
1571 - 1878 A.D.Ottoman
1878 - 1960 A.D.British
1960Independence of the Republic of Cyprus
1974Turkish Invasion
2004Accession to the European Union
2008Adoption of the Euro
2012Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU (July - December)

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Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus

Cypriot Deputy Ministry of Tourism

Government Web Portal

Last Modified at: 24/07/2024 10:58:11 AM

© 2011 - 2024 Republic of Cyprus,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Permanent Representation of the Republic of Cyprus to the European Union