Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
Πρεσβεία της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας στη Βιέννη


Δήλωση Μόνιμης Αντιπροσώπου, Πρέσβεως Έλενας Ράφτη, στην κοινή συνάντηση FSC-SC ΟΑΣΕ με θέμα το Ψήφισμα ΣΑ/OHE 1325 "Γυναίκες, Ειρήνη & Ασφάλεια"

80th Joint Meeting of the Forum for Security and Co-operation and the Permanent Council

“UNSCR 1325, Women, Peace and Security”

Statement by the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cyprus Ambassador Ms Elena Rafti

Cyprus fully subscribes to the statement delivered by the EU, on behalf of the EU MS. I would like, however, to add some brief remarks in a national capacity.

We appreciate the focus of today’s joint meeting on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS), and we would like to thank all panelists for their remarks and excellent presentations.

Cyprus welcomes and commends the Swedish Chairpersonship’s emphasis on gender equality in all aspects of OSCE’s work, as well as the focus on the promotion of the participation of women in conflict resolution and peace processes.

The OSCE’s role in the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda within its area, is significant. In this context, Cyprus was pleased to subscribe to the joint statement on UNSCR 1325 of 52 participating States delivered at the 2020 OSCE Ministerial Council in Tirana, identifying concrete additional efforts in the OSCE and highlighting the key role that the FSC can play in delivering the full implementation of UNSCR 1325 in the OSCE area.

Madam Chair,

I am pleased to inform that the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus approved in December 2020, the first National Action Plan of the Republic of Cyprus for the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 on "Women, Peace and Security", for the period 2021-2025.

The National Action Plan was drafted at the initiative of the Office of the Commissioner for Gender Equality, in co-operation with the Foreign Ministry and in coordination with other competent Ministries and services and in consultation with civil society.

The National Action Plan comprises of four pillars: Participation and Empowerment, Protection, Prevention and Promotion and Information on the Resolution. Within the framework set by these key pillars, a series of targeted actions is foreseen, which will be monitored and evaluated systematically.

Cyprus recognizes the indispensable role of women in conflict-resolution, post-conflict rehabilitation, reconciliation, and sustainable peace. The contribution of women is indispensable to peace processes. Peace processes which lack the participation of women also lack credibility, while reconciliation is simply incomplete if it does not address gender aspects of conflict.

By recognizing the disproportionate and differentiated impact of conflict and war on women and girls, the aim of the National Action Plan is to highlight the role of women in conflict prevention and resolution, but also in peacebuilding. The Action Plan establishes a framework for a coherent policy that creates a synergies and cooperation between stakeholders.

The implementation of the provisions of UNSCR 1325 constitutes an indispensable part of the Foreign Ministry’s policy. The enhancement of women’s rights and the promotion of gender equality is a priority issue for the Foreign Ministry and we seek to establish co-operation and synergies with other states, with the aim of contributing to efforts to eliminate inequality between women and men in all sectors and to accelerate progress internationally.

In closing, I would like to reiterate my country’s commitment and readiness in enhancing its efforts for the concrete implementation of UNSCR 1325.

Thank you for your attention.

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