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Consular Services

Ελληνικά Italiano

The Embassy’s Consular Section offers a wide range of consular services to the public, as well as consular support and assistance specifically to Cypriots based in Italy, Malta, Switzerland or San Marino.

Consular services offered include the following (the list is not exhaustive):

Certification of authenticity of signature: The signature must be placed on the document before a consular officer of the Embassy. Please note that the person signing the document must provide proof of his/her identity (passport/ driving license/identity card).


Apart from the services listed above, the following services are offered specifically to Cypriot nationals residing in Italy, Malta, Switzerland or San Marino:

Issuing of a Passport and Identity Card

Following the introduction recently of new, biometric type passports and identity cards of the Republic, this service is currently available only from select Missions of Cyprus abroad, with the closest being the Embassies of the Republic of Cyprus in Athens and Paris. Therefore, Cypriot nationals wishing to apply for a new-replacement passport/identity card need to contact the Embassies above or one of the District Administration Offices in Cyprus ( to make the necessary arrangements.

Issuing of a temporary Travel Document

This service is available to individuals who are not in possession of a valid passport and need to travel abroad urgently.

Procedure: An application is submitted to the Embassy on form M.32 (along with police report and two photos) and the Travel Document is issued locally, by the Embassy.
Fee: 20 euros – payable upon submittal of the application.
Time needed: Issued during one working day.

Registering a child as a citizen of the Republic of Cyprus (Issuing of a Consular Birth Certificate)

This service is available in cases where a child is born either in Italy, Marta, Switzerland or San Marino to at least one Cypriot parent (both parents' consent is required).

Procedure: An application needs to be submitted on form M.121, along with the necessary documentation in support. This will then be forwarded by the Embassy to the competent department of the Ministry of Interior, in order for the child to be registered as a Cypriot citizen and for the Birth Certificate to be issued accordingly. This will then be sent to the Embassy for delivery to the applicant.
Fee: 20 euros – payable upon submittal of the application and 20 euros of Consular Birth Certificate.

Financial assistance

In cases of emergency, Cypriots finding themselves in Italy, Malta, Switzerland of San Marino may apply to receive a sum of money from the Embassy to cover their urgent needs, provided that a family member or friend of theirs in Cyprus visits the Accounts Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nicosia and deposits the equivalent amount to their credit.

For more information regarding any of the services listed above, or indeed any other form of consular service/assistance (as this list above is by no means exhaustive), feel free to contact the Embassy. If you intend to visit us for consular business, we strongly recommend that you get in touchwith us in advance to arrange a meeting. This allows us to ensure that you will receive a faster and more efficient service.

Contact information:

Visiting Address:

Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus
Via Ludovisi, 35
00187 Roma
Tel: +39 06 8088365-7-9
Fax: +36 06 8088338

Office hours: Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 13.00

Admission and transit restrictions:

Entry regulations apply only to the areas controlled by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

Passport: Required, except for holders of:
· Laissez-Passer issued by the United Nations.
· Document issued to stateless persons and recognised refugees.
· Further to the above, citizens of the European Union countries, as well as of Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway may enter Cyprus with their national identity card provided there is a photograph.

The Government of the Republic of Cyprus refuses admission to:

1. Holders of “passports” issued illegally by the secessionist entity, the so-called “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" (TRNC)·

The Government of the Republic of Cyprus is the only recognised Government on the island - member of the EU since 1.5.2004, as well as member of the UN and other International Organisations. As a result of the Turkish military presence and occupation, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is not in a position to exercise control over the occupied areas of the Republic. The so-called "TRNC" has been condemned and declared as both illegal and invalid by the whole of the International Community through Security Council Resolutions 541/83 and 550/84. With the sole exception of Turkey, no state in the world or International Organisation recognises the secessionist entity.
Presently, it is possible for foreign tourists who visit the government-controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus, to cross to the occupied areas.
Staying in Greek Cypriot owned hotels in the occupied areas, which are being illegally exploited, would put you at great risk of possible legal action on the part of the owners.
Travellers entering the Republic of Cyprus via the illegal / closed airports and ports (i.e. all the airports and ports in the occupied areas), may still face the consequences of the Laws of the Republic. Therefore, you are urged to travel via the recognised ports of entry, so as to avoid any possible problems (provided that a visa has been granted to you). The legal ports of entry into the Republic of Cyprus are the airports of Larnaca and Paphos and the ports of Larnaca, Limassol, Latsi and Paphos, which are situated in the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. Any entry into the territory of the Republic of Cyprus via any other port or airport in the area of Cyprus in which the Government of the Republic does not exercise effective control (Turkish occupied area) is illegal”.

2. For those intending to be employed in Cyprus, the issue of an employment permit by the Civil Archive and Migration Office is required and no visa is required in order to travel to Cyprus.


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