Republic of Cyprus
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in Pretoria

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Announcement-Creation of the Cyprus Science Technology Park

Creation of the Cyprus Science Technology Park,
in the Pentakomo area of the Limassol District

Initial Expression of Interest

The Government of the Republic of Cyprus, within the framework of its efforts to promote the creation of the Cyprus Science Technology Park (STP) for development purposes in the Pentakomo area, Limassol district, invites interested parties for an Initial Expression of Interest regarding the following:

(i) Initial Expression of Interest from Enterprises/Organizations that wish to be accommodated and develop activities in the STP.

(ii) Initial Expression of Interest from Investors that wish to undertake the establishment and operation of the STP.

The Government of Cyprus has decided the creation of the Science Technology Park (STP) in the form of a Knowledge Park with the scope of promoting research, innovation and technology in order to enhance the entrepreneurial and industrial development of Cyprus and its transformation into a regional research and innovation center that will contribute to the differentiation of the economy.

The STP will accommodate knowledge intensive enterprises/organizations and applied research centers both local and foreign, that will promote applied research and innovation for the development of competitive innovative products and services. Among the accommodated enterprises there will be ICT based companies, offering services in information and communication, consultants, law firms, etc.

The Government of Cyprus will consider the following incentives for enterprises/ organizations that will be accommodated in the STP or investors that will undertake its development and operation:
(a) Favorable tax scheme for research, innovation and technology development activities.
(b) Flexible procedures and employment status for Cypriot, EU or third country citizens.
(c) Priority and flexibility will be given to the investors, enterprises/organizations/tenants of the STP regarding government procedures, issue of licenses, etc.

The General Description/Frame of Reference, the Form for the Initial Expression of Interest from Enterprises, Organizations, as well as the Form for the Initial Expression of Interest from Investors, are available on the website of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism ( or can be obtained from the Technology Service of the Ministry, at Andreas Araouzou Street, Number 13-15, 1421 Nicosia. Each interested party must fill and send the relevant Forms in both printed and electronic form (CD or USB) and include any other information, suggestions, etc. that might be considered useful.

Interested Enterprises, Organizations (Τenants), regarding paragraph (i) above, at this stage, are called to indicate the activities they would like to develop in the STP and the size of their needs in square meters. Additionally, the above interested parties, are kindly requested to make any other suggestions they consider useful for the suitable development, facilities, activities and operations of the STP.

Interested Investors, regarding paragraph (ii) above, at this stage, are called to indicate their areas of expertise, know-how, experience, possible expertise and collaborations/associates/partnerships for projects and developments related to science and technology parks and submit their suggestions for the suitable development, facilities, activities and operations of the STP. Interested Investors are also called to submit preliminary/basic financial and development plans for the next 3-10 years. Additionally, the above interested parties, are requested to make any other suggestions they consider useful.

Interested Investors, Enterprises, Organizations should submit their interest in a sealed envelope and place it in the tender box situated at the main entrance of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism, at Andreas Araouzou 6, 1421 Nicosia, the latest by Monday 10 March 2014 at 12:00 noon, local time. The outer side of the envelope, should bear clearly the recipient's name, i.e. the Chairman of the Committee for the Development of the Science Technology Park – Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism and the title appearing in the cases shown in paragraphs (i) or (ii) above, depending on the interest expressed. If the same party is interested for both cases of Initial Expression of Interest shown in paragraphs (i) and (ii) above, then all material must be submitted/included in separate sealed envelopes, with the corresponding individual titles.

For any clarifications and/or questions, you may communicate with Mr. Joseph Pelekanos, Industrial Extension Officer, at the Ministry, tel.00357-22409335/365/311, fax.00357-22375735, e-mail or Mr. Charalambos Charalambous, Director of Industrial Development Service and Competition and Consumer Protection Service, at the Ministry, tel.00357-22867238/100, fax.00357-22376493, e-mail

It is noted that this announcement does not constitute a tendering procedure and is not binding for any of the interested and/or involved parties. It is an initial attempt to explore potential interest, capacities and to seek for suggestions. Any forms, data, information, suggestions, etc. that will be submitted, will be handled as confidential. If appropriate interest is shown, as a result of the present procedure (Initial Expression of Interest), the Government will announce a tender procedure with the objective to formulate a contract with investor(s), for the establishment and operation of the STP, at the relevant expropriated land in the Pentakomo area of Limassol District.

Committee for the Development of the Cyprus Science Technology Park

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Last Modified at: 12/07/2024 05:07:16 PM

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in Pretoria