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1. What is the currency of the Republic of Cyprus?
2. Can foreign visitors to Cyprus cross the dividing line into the Turkish-occupied part of the island?
3. Do I need a visa to travel to Cyprus?
4. Which are the legal points of entry into and exit from Cyprus?
5. I want to follow higher educational studies in Cyprus, what do I have to do?
6. Do I need a work permit in order to be able to work in Cyprus?
7. Can foreign visitors hold a civil wedding in Cyprus?
8. Can I travel to Cyprus with a pet?

1. What is the currency of the Republic of Cyprus?
Since January 1st 2008, the formal currency of the Republic of Cyprus is the Euro.

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2. Can foreign visitors to Cyprus cross the dividing line into the Turkish-occupied part of the island?
Tourists may cross the “green line” (which separates the free from the occupied part of the island), by presenting their identity cards or their passports. However, after the Turkish invasion in 1974 and the illegal occupation of 37% of the island’s territory from the Turkish army, that part of the island in the north is not under the control of the Republic of Cyprus. For this reason, Cyprus Authorities have no responsibility on the security of the visitors to the northern part of the island, and they certainly won’t be able to provide, in case of emergency, any medical assistance. Furthermore, as it is clearly stated in the website of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the French Embassy in Nicosia cannot provide any consular assistance to French nationals when visiting the occupied part of the island. It is to be noted that the airport in the occupied part of the island is illegal. It is not a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization, and it is closed to international civil aviation. In case of any kind of accident, there is no possible recourse to the international treaties that protect the safety rights of passengers.

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3. Do I need a visa to travel to Cyprus?
Citizens of member states of the EU may travel to Cyprus with their valid identity card or passport. Third countries’ citizens, holders of a residence card issued by any EU member state or of a Schengen visa entitled to multiple entries, may also travel to Cyprus with their passport and their valid residence card or schengen visa. Furthermore, citizens of the following countries do not need a visa to travel to Cyprus: San Marino, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, the Vatican State, Venezuela, Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador, Switzerland, United States of America, Japan, Iceland, Israel, Canada, Costa Rica, Lichtenstein, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Brunei Darussalam, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, North Korea, Honduras, Uruguay, Singapore and Chile. In any other cases, an entry visa to Cyprus is required.

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4. Which are the legal points of entry into and exit from Cyprus?
People visiting Cyprus need to arrive and depart from one of the legal airports or ports of the Republic of Cyprus. Those are the airports in Larnaca and Paphos, and the ports in Limassol, Larnaca and Latchi. The airports of Tympou (Erkan) and Lefkoniko as well as the ports in Ammochostos, Keryneia, Karavostasi and Xeros which are located in the occupied part of the island are illegal, and any air and sea traffic to and from them is prohibited.

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5. I want to follow higher educational studies in Cyprus, what do I have to do?
For information regarding higher education in Cyprus, please contact the Department of Tertiary and Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture ( Tel: +357-22-800616, +357-22-800617 Fax: +357-22-427560, Webpage:

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6. Do I need a work permit in order to be able to work in Cyprus?
Citizens of the EU may work in Cyprus without a particular work permit. However, for their registration to the Social Insurance they need to provide an registration certificate of European citizenship in order to obtain a post. For qualified professions regulated by the legislation (doctor, lawyer, engineer etc) it’s required to obtain a profession practising permit, also required for Cypriot citizens, which can be issued by the relevant professional association. Citizens of third countries need a work permit to work in Cyprus. The process for the issue of such a permit is undertaken by the Cypriot employer before the arrival of the interested person in Cyprus. The recruitment of human resources is handled directly by the employers or intermediaries. For more information you may contact the Work Department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance (, the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior (, and the Employers & Industrialists Federation (,

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7. Can foreign visitors hold a civil wedding in Cyprus?
Foreign visitors may hold a civil wedding in Cyprus. Information related, including the legislation, costs, the process and data (telephone numbers, faxes and e-mail addresses of all the Cypriot municipalities that hold civil weddings), can be found on the webpage of the Union of Cyprus Municipalities (

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8. Can I travel to Cyprus with a pet?
The regulations that apply in case of a non-commercial transport of pet animals to Cyprus may be found on the webpage of Veterinary Services ( under the useful information link. For a better procedure and according to the existing regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, the pet’s owner or the person responsible for it should inform the Veterinary Service about all the details of the arrival, that is the airline company and the number of the flight or the name of the vessel, the date and the time of arrival in Cyprus. These information shall be given to the Veterinary Services (fax +375 22805176 or e-mail 48 to 72 hours before the arrival in Cyprus.

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