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Trade Centre

Ελληνικά Italiano

The Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Rome does not have a resident Trade Center.
The Trade Center of the Republic of Cyprus in Paris is als responsible for Italy. It was founded in 1992 and falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Cyprus. Its main role is the promotion of the Cypriot products and services in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and North Africa countries.

The organization and the participation of Cyprus in numerous trade fairs and business forums, the market research and the promotion of foreign investments in Cyprus are some of the activities for which the Center is responsible. The Centre also undertakes the representation of Cyprus in economic or commercial events and briefings.

For more information feel free to visit our website:

Mr. Constantinos TALIANOS, Commercial Counselor
Trade Center of Cyprus in Paris
15, rue de Madrid

75008 Paris

Tel. :
Fax :
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