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Visiting Hours

Ελληνικά Italiano

Τhe Embassy of the Republic of Cyrpus in Rome is open Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 13.00 and form 13.30-17.00
The Consular Section is open Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 13.00.

Τhe Embassy will be closed the following days:


01 January, New Year's Day
18 March, Green Monday
25 March, Religious Holiday
29 March, Catholic Good Friday
01 April, Catholic Easter Monday
01 May, International Workers' Day
03 May, Orthodox Good Friday
06 May, Orthodox Easter Monday
24 June, Religious Holiday
15 August, Assumption Day
01 October, Republic of Cyprus Independence Day
01 November, All Saints Day
24 December, Christmas Eve
25 December, Christmas Day
26 December, Boxing day

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Embassy of The Republic of Cyprus in Rome
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