Republic of Cyprus
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in New Delhi

Consular Protection for European Union Citizens

    In countries where Cyprus does not have a Diplomatic or Consular representation, any citizen of EU Member-State may request European consular assistance by applying for help to an Embassy or Consulate (not an Honorary Consulate) of another EU Member-State.

    To be eligible for such assistance the applicant must be a national of a EU Member-State, be in severe distress abroad, in a country which is not part of the EU, and there must be no accessible Embassy or Consulate. The consular assistance provided is limited only to genuine emergencies e.g. death, accidents involving serious injury or serious illness, arrest or detention, repatriation on medical grounds, or the need of the issuance of a temporary travel document (lost or stolen passport ).

    More information is provided in the website of the European Commission – DG Justice.

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Chairmanship of Cyprus - Council of Europe
  November 2016 - May 2017

Government Web Portal

Study in Cyprus



House of Representatives


Cyprus on Film

Christian monuments of Cyprus under Turkish military occupation

Usurpation of Greek/Cypriot properties

Cyprus Newspapers

Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation

Yellow Pages

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus