Republic of Cyprus
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Vienna

Travel Information for Cypriots

Cypriots Abroad & Services to the Public

It is advised that Cypriot citizens who travel abroad keep an electronic copy of their passport, identity card, travel insurance and debit/credit cards in case of loss or theft.

It is also advised that Cypriot citizens who are traveling abroad do not transport unknown goods which belong to other persons.

In case of loss or theft of personal belongings, Cypriot citizens must immediately report the case to the Police of the country in which they are located. If faced with such a scenario, they are advised to keep a copy of the Police report as proof of the incident.

Cypriots traveling abroad should make sure that their passport’s validity extends to 6 months beyond the completion of their journey.

They must be aware of the penalties imposed for drug possession, ranging from heavy monetary fines to long imprisonment and even death penalty in some countries.

While abroad, Cypriot citizens should not provide false or misleading information to the host country’s authorities. On the contrary, they should obey and respect the laws and rules of the countries they visit. In the event where a Cypriot citizen violates the law of the country which he/she is visiting and is sentenced to prison or sentenced to death, the possibility of intervention by the Cypriot authorities is very limited.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, within its competences, is following with particular attention all international developments and particularly the cases in which a crisis situation in a third country may involve a risk for Cypriot citizens. With the objective of protecting and facilitating Cypriot citizens, from time to time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues relevant Travel Advices.

Travel Advices reflect a careful assessment of the risks involved for Cypriot citizens travelling to various countries. Before travelling abroad, Cypriot citizens are encouraged to visit the following link in order to be informed of any possible existing travel advice:

Prior to traveling abroad

Before their journey, Cypriot citizens are advised to register on the online platform «connect2cy» (, which is monitored by the Crisis Management Department of the Schengen, Consular Affairs and Crisis Management Directorate, which enables the Ministry to be able to contact them in case of an emergency or a crisis situation in their country of travel.

It is also a responsibility of Cypriot citizens who plan to travel abroad, to be promptly informed by the authorities of the country they wish to visit as to whether they require a visa or not.

Emergency or danger for Cypriot traveler while in another Member State of the European Union or Member State of the European Economic Area

In case of a Cypriot citizen’s personal emergency or danger while in any other Member State of the European Union (EU) or Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA), he/she may ask for help by calling free of charge at 112 or call the closest Cypriot Diplomatic Mission. In addition to the aforementioned, the Cypriot traveler may also contact the Crisis Management Department, of the Ministry’s Schengen, Consular Affairs and Crisis Management Directorate at the telephone number +357 22 80 1000 and email:

Emergency Travel Documents

Cypriot citizens who have lost or had their passport or identity card stolen while abroad, should immediately contact the closest police station in order to submit a complaint/ make a statement. Once a copy of the official report or registered complaint is obtained, they should inform the closest Cypriot Diplomatic Mission to issue a temporary travel document (laissez- passer). This document certifies the identity of the person who will use it and is valid for a single return trip back to Cyprus.

For the issuance of a temporary travel document, the applicant must submit to the Diplomatic Mission the following:

    · The Police report regarding the loss or theft of the passport

    · A Completed application form M9 G

    · Two (2) recent photos 3×4 cm

    · Present a proof of identity (for example an original driving license, a copy of the lost/stolen passport, an original ID card, a copy of a Birth Certificate)

In cases where the passport is lost or stolen in an EU or EEA country, then the Cypriot traveler has the alternative choice of using his/her ID card to return to Cyprus. This does not exempt the Cypriot traveler from the obligation to report the loss or theft to the Police authorities of the country he/she has visited. Upon return to Cyprus, he/she should deposit the foreign country’s Police report to the Cypriot Police together with an affidavit. On the basis of the aforementioned, the Cypriot Police will prepare its own report which should then be submitted by the Cypriot traveler to the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior, together with his/her application for the issuance of a new passport.

In case the applicant for a temporary travel document is a minor, he/she must be accompanied by both parents. If the parents are divorced, the written consent of both parents is required or a Family Court Decision for guardianship / parental care if available.

Upon return to Cyprus, the temporary travel document must be submitted to the airport/seaport authorities.

The return of the temporary travel document to the Cypriot authorities after its use, is a precondition for the issuance of a new passport and/or ID card.

The fee for the issue of a temporary travel document is €20.

Services Provided to Cypriot Citizens

The Embassy provides a wide range of services for Cypriot Citizens traveling and/or living permanently abroad. Please read carefully the information provided below as it may provide answers to many of your queries. For any further information or clarification, please contact the Consular Department of the Embassy.

For information and the relevant documentation on the forementioned services (list not exhaustive), please visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Issuing of Renewal of Biometric Passports

Issuing of Renewal of Biometric Identity Card

Applications for Cypriot Citizenship

Legalization of Documents

Applications for the issuance of Original Birth Certificates.

Applications for the issuance of Consular Birth Certificates

Applications for the issuance of Death Certificates

Transport of Human Remains

Transport of Animals

Forms for sevices to Cypriot citizens abroad

Application Form for a Passport (M9)
Application Form for the Registration of a Birth in a Foreign Country (M121)

Application Form for a Certificate of Naturalisation (M127)
Statement in case of a lost/stolen/damaged Passport

Application Form for an Identity Card

No documents found

Registration of Diaspora Cypriots




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