Republic of Cyprus
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Stockholm
Forms / Documents Assistance in the Event of Death

Forms / Documents

Assistance in the Event of Death

Assistance in the event of death

If the Embassy is informed of the death of a Cypriot national, it will immediately try to gather as much information about the deceased and the circumstances of his or her death as possible.

If the deceased was travelling alone and his or her family or acquaintances have not been informed of their death, this information will be immediately transmitted to the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which via the Cyprus Police will inform and maintain contact with the next of kin so that they can make all the necessary arrangements.

If you are abroad with the deceased, inform immediately the local police office and the Embassy.

With the consent of the next of kin, the Embassy will assist with the burial or repatriation of the body and will help in obtaining a death certificate, copy of an official report or autopsy report. If the family of the deceased wishes to repatriate the body, the Embassy will inform them of the procedure and provide assistance. However, under no circumstances will it cover any expenses incurred by repatriation of the body to Cyprus, unless the relevant amount of money is deposited in advance with the Accounts Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and / or an Assumption of Responsibility form is signed by the next of kin.

Return of human remains to Cyprus

For the repatriation of human remains to Cyprus, the following provisions of the Law ratifying the Agreement for the Transfer of Human Corpses should apply:

Transfer begins from the State of departure in the case of a dead body or from the State in which burial had taken place in the case of human remains.

A laissez–passer, issued by the competent authority of the State of departure in one of the official languages of the EU, preferably the official language of the Republic of Cyprus, stating the cause of death and embalming (if performed), should accompany the dead body or remains.

The funeral home is responsible for completing the laissez passer procedure as well as the document that states the cause of death and certifies that all the appropriate procedures regarding the preservation of the corpse have been followed. This document should be based on the certificate of death and cause of death issued by the appropriate authorities and should be in English or in Greek.

The dead body or remains should be placed in a carefully soldered lead or zinc coffin, with its base covered with absorbent material. It shall, then, be placed into an outer coffin made of wood at least 20 mm in thickness. Where death was due to a contagious disease, the dead body or remains should be wrapped in a shroud impregnated with an antiseptic solution.

The person to receive the coffin in Cyprus should make early arrangements with the Cyprus Health Services for the issue of a free pass licence exempting customs clearance.

Early notice should be given to the Port or Airport Health Officer to be present on arrival.

Note: All the above provisions do not apply to the international transport of ashes.

For more information please contact the Ministry of Health on 00357 22 605564.

Related Files:

Download file type Word - Laissez Passer- for a corpse.doc


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