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The Republic of Cyprus, in line with the Article 5 of Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 concerning the mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine following the hostilities which begun on 24 February 2022, hereby declares that will accept entry into its territory of the following categories of displaced persons:

- People with valid biometric and non-biometric passports, irrespective of the date of their expiration

- People with expired biometric and non-biometric passports

- People with identification cards issued by the Government of Ukraine

- People with internal passports issued by the Government of Ukraine

- People with temporary travel documents issued by the Government of Ukraine

- Underage children which are included in their mother’s passport

- Students and workers legally residing in Ukraine before February 24th


Új Desztinációs protokoll érvényes 2023. január 15-vel.

Ciprusra történő beutazáskor, az Európai Tanács ajánlását figyelembe véve tekintettel a Kínában uralkodó COVID-19 járványra vonatkozóan, minden 12 évet betöltött Kínából érkező utasnak rendelkeznie kell egy 48 óránál nem régebbi negatív PCR teszttel. Ez a szabály nem csak a közvetlenlen járatokra, hanem a tranzit járatokra is vonatkozik.

Egyéb országból szabadon lehet beutazni Ciprusra.

COVID-19_Destination_Protocol-valid_from_15th_January_2023 (002).pdfCOVID-19_Destination_Protocol-valid_from_15th_January_2023 (002).pdf

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