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Republic of Cyprus
Events / Speeches

Download the Word fileCypriot MPs participated in Chairpersons’ meeting on Human Trafficking in the Digital Age, in The Hague on 14 March 2016
Download the Acrobat fileParticipation of the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus at the Francophonie 2016 - Invitation
Download the Word file Participation of the Minister of Justice and Public Order in the Informal Meeting of EU Justice and Home Affairs Council
Download the Word file Signing of the Agreement on the Status and Functions of the International Commission on Missing Persons
Download the Word file The Permanent Secretary participated at the meeting EU State Secretaries General in Amsterdam in view of the Netherlands's Presidency of the Council of the EU
Download the Word file European Film Festival 2015, 07 September 2015
Download the Word fileINVITATION TO A SEMINAR: From Ratification to action: The Importance of Full Implementation of the Rome Statue - 16 September 2015
Download the Word file Memorial service for the Cypriots who were killed during the 1974 coup d’état and Turkish invasion in Cyprus at the Holy Cathedral Church of Saint Nikolaos in Rotterdam, 19 July 2015
Download the Word file “The International Criminal Court Deserves Better”, Article co- signed by sixteen Ministers of Foreign Affairs, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Ioannis Kasoulides on the occasion of the 2015 International Criminal Justice Day, 17 July 2015
Download the Word file Ambassador meets students of The Hague Academy of International Law, 14 July 2015

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus to the Hague