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Republic of Cyprus
News from Cyprus

Exhibition "Where Have You Been?" by Toula Liasi, dedicated to the missing persons of Cyprus, 2-11 June 2018, ANNA@KV2 venue, The Hague

The Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in The Hague cordially invites you to the opening of the exhibition “Where Have You Been?”, by the acclaimed Cypriot artist Mrs. Toula Liasi on Saturday, 2nd June 2018 at 17:00 at the ANNA@KV2 venue (Korte Vijverberg 2, 2513 AB, The Hague). The exhibition is dedicated to the Missing Persons of Cyprus and is kindly supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus.

The official opening will be made by the Presidential Commissioner for Humanitarian Issues and Overseas Cypriots Mr. Photis Photiou.

The acclaimed Dutch trombonist Mr. Jörgen van Rijen will perform during the opening. A reception will follow.

The exhibition will continue until June 11, 2018. More information is included in the invitation attached herewith.

Please R.S.V.P. by 28 May 2018 at:

© 2015 - 2024 Republic of Cyprus,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus to the Hague